Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we use, disclose, transfer, store, retain or otherwise process your personal information when you provide such information through the moneysavvyhq website. By accepting the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions of Service during registration, you expressly consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is effective upon acceptance for new users and is otherwise effective on May 25, 2018.

By continuing to interact with our website, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

What Information Do We Collect?
You can browse most of our site without telling us who you are. In order to start or participate in projects, you are required to register. If you choose to give us personal information when you register, go through our verification process as a creative, authenticate into your account, communicate with us, answer our surveys, upload content, or otherwise use our services, you consent to the transfer and storage of that information on our servers located in the United States. We may collect and store the following personal information in the United States, and other countries:

email address, physical contact information, and financial information, such as credit card or bank account numbers (we do not store credit card numbers – those are stored by our merchang processing partner);
when you apply to work as a creative on moneysavvyhq, the official government identification that you use to verify your identity, and your photo;
When you use our site to request payments, we collect information about when and where the transactions occur, a description of your request, the payment or transfer amounts, and standard web log information used to make the request;
transactional information based on your activities on (such as your projects or entries to a project);
comments, chats, survey responses, dispute resolution, correspondence sent to us; and
standard web log information, such as connection information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from our site, ad data, geolocation data,your operating system and version, including the type and version of the browser you use, and IP address.
If you are from the European Economic Area, our legal basis for collecting and using the Information described above will depend on the specific Information we collect and the specific context in which we collect it. We will normally collect and use Information from you where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data-protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. Typically, our legitimate interests include improving, maintaining, providing, and enhancing our technology, products, and services; ensuring the security of the services and our website; for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party; and for our marketing activities. Where required by law, we will collect Information only where we have your consent to do so.

How Secure Is The Information We Collect?
Your information is stored on our servers (managed by Amazon AWS services) located in the United States. moneysavvyhq is committed to industry best practices concerning security to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of the information in our possession. However, as you know, third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications, and other users may abuse or misuse your personal information that they collect from the site. Therefore, although we work very hard to protect your privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information or private communications will always remain private.

Transactions on ouy website are conducted in a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) session, which encrypts all transaction data for transmittal in a format that prevents theft of the information. While on a secure page, the lock in your web browser becomes locked and this lets you know that you are in a secured session. Our servers are located in a secure, supervised environment. Our databases are accessible only by persons who have entered into and are bound by a confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement with us.

How Do We Use Your Information?
We will never resell or redistribute your information without your express permission. You agree that we may use your personal information to:

provide the services, including accepting payments from clients and paying creatives, and customer support you request;
resolve disputes, collect fees, and troubleshoot problems;
prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities, and enforce our Site Policies, including but not limited to our User Agreement;
develop new products and services;
display your historical transaction information;
customize, measure and improve our services, content and advertising;
tell you about targeted marketing, service updates, and promotional offers based on your specific preferences (if we send you marketing emails, each email will contain instructions permitting you to unsubscribe and no longer receive future marketing communications);
display personal testimonials of satisfied customers on our website, in addition to other endorsements. If you wish to update or delete you testimonial, you can contact us at; and
compare your information for accuracy, and verify it with third parties.
Your nickname (username) is publicly displayed on our site. Other people can see your projects, entries, feedback, ratings and public comments, and so on. Notices sent to community members regarding suspicious activity and policy violations on may refer to nicknames.

Occasionally, we conduct user surveys to learn how we can better serve you. These surveys are optional and if you choose to respond, your responses will be kept anonymous. The demographic information we collect in the registration process and through surveys is used to help us improve our services.

We generally retain your information as long as reasonably necessary to provide you the services or to comply with relevant law. Even if you deactivate your account, we can retain copies of information about you and any transactions or services in which you may have participated for a period of time consisten with applicable law, applicable statute of limitations, or as we believe is reasonably necessary to comply with applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request, to detect or prevent fraud, to collect fees owned, to resolve disputes, to address problems with our services, to assist with investigations, to enforce our User Agreement or other applicable agreements or policies, ot to take any other actions consistent with applicable law.

How Can You Use Information from moneysavvyhq?
moneysavvyhq allows users to share personal information to complete transactions and to enter into agreements with each other (such as the project contract). We encourage you to respect the privacy of others. To help protect the privacy of all users, we allow only limited access to other users’ contact information to facilitate transactions. When users are involved in a transaction (after a project winner is selected), they will have access to each other’s name and contact information. You agree to use another user’s information only for:

moneysavvyhq transaction-related purposes that are not unsolicited commercial messages;
other purposes that the other user expressly permits.
Neither we nor our users like spam. You may not add other moneysavvyhq users to your mailing list (email or physical mail), or share, rent or sell other users’ contact information, without their express consent. To report moneysavvyhq-related spam or spoof emails to moneysavvyhq, please forward the email to us: You may not use our communication tools to send spam or otherwise send content that would violate our Site Policies. If you send an email to an email address that is not registered in our community, we do not permanently store that email or use that email address for any marketing purpose. We do not rent or sell email addresses.


To Whom May We Disclose Your Information?
We never sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your express consent. Upon registration, you can opt-in to receive our non-transactional communications. If you don’t wish to receive marketing communications from us, simply indicate your preference once you sign-on in to your account or by following the directions we provide.

We may disclose personal information if we are legally required to do so, to enforce our policies, to respond to claims that content you submitted violates the rights of others, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of third parties. We may also share your personal information with:

Service providers who help us with our business operations (such as fraud investigations, affiliate and rewards programs);
To a subsequent owner, co-owner, or operator of one or more of the services on our site, or of the entire site;
In connection with (including, without limitation, during the negotiation or due diligence process of) a merger, consolidation or restructuring; the sale of substantially all of our stock and/or assets; financing, acquisition, diversiture, or dissolution of all or a portion of our business; or other corporate change;
Third parties to whom you expressly ask us to send your information; and
Law enforcement or other governmental officials, in response to a verified request relating to a criminal investigation or alleged illegal activity (we will disclose information relevant to the investigation, such as name, city, state, zip code, telephone number, email address, nickname history, IP address, fraud complaints, as well as project and entry history).
In an effort to respect your privacy, we will not otherwise disclose your personal information to law enforcement, other government officials, or other third parties without a subpoena, court order or equivalent legal document, except when we believe in good faith that the disclosure of information is necessary to prevent imminent physical harm or financial loss or to report suspected illegal activity.


How Do We Protect Children’s Privacy?
We do not intentionally or knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we obtain actual knowledge that any information we collect has been provided by a child under the age of 13, we will promptly delete that information.


How Do We Use Cookies?
We use a variety of technologies to collect information when you access or use our website and services, including placing a piece of code, commonly known as a ‘cookie’. Cookies are small text files that help us analyze our site, customize our services, content and advertising, and identify you and maintain your signed-in status, among other uses. Certain features on our site are available only through the use of cookies. Certain cookies we use last only for the duration of your session and expire when you close your browser and exist the application. Other cookies are used to remember you when you return to our website, and as such, will last longer. You are always free to decline our cookies, although doing so may interfere with your use of some of our services. Should we allow advertisers on our site, those advertisers may use cookies.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to, and we are not responsible for, third-party cookies, web beacons, or other tracking technologies, which are covered by such third parties’ privacy policies. For more information, we encourage you to check the privacy policies of these third parties to learn about their privacy practices.

We may use cookies to:

Remember that you have visited us or used the website or our services previously. This allows us to identify the number of unique visitors we receive, so that we can provide enough capacity to accommodate all of our users;
Customize our website and services for you;
Collect data about the way you interact with our services (e.g., when you use certain features);
Allow our business partners (including third parties) to use these tracking technologies to track your behavior on our behalf on our website (including when you use multiple devices). For example, We use Google Analytics to understand how our services perform and how you use them. To learn more about how Google processes your data, please visit To opt out of Google Analytics please visit; and
Collect anonymous statistical information about how you use the services (including the length of your web or application session) and the location from which you access the services, so that we can improve the services and learn which elements and functions of the services are most popular with our users.
Some of the cookies used in the services are set by us, and others are set by third parties who deliver services on our behalf.

Most web and mobile device browsers are set to automatically accept cookies by default. However, you can change your browser settings to prevent automatic acceptance of cookies, or to notify you each time a cookie is set. You also can learn more about cookies by visiting, which includes additional useful information on cookies and how to block cookies on different types of browsers and mobile devices. Please note, however, that by blocking or deleting cookies used in the services, you may not be able to take full advantage of the services.

We also may collect information using web beacons. Web beacons are electronic images that may be used in our Services or emails. We use web beacons to deliver cookies, track the number of visits to our website, understand usage and campaign effectiveness, and determine whether an email has been opened and acted upon.


How Can You Protect Your Account?
Your password is your key to your account. Use unique numbers, letters and special characters, and do not share your password with anyone. If you do share your password or your personal information with others, remember that you are responsible for all actions taken on your account. If you lose control of your password, you may lose substantial control over your personal information and may be subject to legally binding actions taken on your behalf. Therefore, if your password has been compromised for any reason, you should immediately notify us and change your password.

Please note that your browser setting may allow you to automatically transmit a “Do Not Track” signal to websites and online service you visit. There is no consensus among industry participants as to what “Do Not Track” means in this context. Like many websites and online services, moneysavvyhq does not alter its practices when it receives a “Do Not Track” signal from a visitor’s browser. To find out more about “Do Not Track,” please visit


How Can You Access, Review or Change Your Personal Information?
You can see, review and change your personal information in your account. You must promptly update your personal information if it changes or is inaccurate. Once you make a public posting, you may not be able to change or remove it. If you request, we will deactivate your account and remove your personal information from view as soon as reasonably possible. We do retain personal information from deactivated accounts to comply with law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce our Site Policies, and take other actions permitted by law. This is more specifically detailed above in the How Do We Use Your Information section.

moneysavvyhq protects personally identifiable information from residents of the European Union, other European Economic Area countries, and Switzerland in accordance with applicable law (including, as applicable, reliance upon your consent and EU-approved standard contract clauses).


Third Parties
This document addresses only the use and disclosure of information we collect from you. moneysavvyhq does not control the privacy policies of third parties, and you are subject to the privacy policies of those third parties where applicable. We encourage you to ask questions before you disclose your personal information to others.


We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the amended terms on this site. All amended terms automatically take effect immediately upon posting and your continued use of after such time means that you have accepted the new terms. In addition, we will notify you through your account. If your questions are not answered online, you may email